The Super Champs Universe is a dynamic gaming and animation realm featuring a diverse group of young athletes from unique locations like Brontokyo, Nimbleton, Wispwood, and Zomberg. Each Super Champ is handpicked to attend the prestigious Super Champs Academy, where they develop their emerging superpowers and athletic skills in mega-racket sports, battlesports, death-match parkour racing, and more.
The Super Champs heroes star in a series of mobile games incorporating NFTs and have extended their presence into animated films, social media videos, comics, graphic novels, and beyond. This marks an exciting new chapter in the player-owner era of gaming and media franchises. With millions of views on animated content set in the Super Champs universe and two mobile games in beta with hundreds of thousands of players, the Super Champs heroes are already gaining significant attention.
The universe is driven by the CHAMP token, backed by the Super Champs Foundation. The CHAMP token is designed to provide unique experiences for consumers and to expand the Super Champs games and media offerings, positioning Super Champs as a next-generation global media franchise.