
Solana ID Promo

  • Active

Transform your wallet account into a powerful entity with Solana ID. By linking contextual reputation scores to your address, applications will enhance your user experience. Supported by the Blockchain Founders Group and the Solana Foundation.

Experience the benefits of the Priority Pass NFT through Solana ID, granting users privileges like airdrops, discounts, and special offers. Holders of the priority pass gain entry to a $200K SOLID airdrop and exclusive advantages, including whitelist opportunities and more, from Solana ID partners.

Follow these steps to mint a Solana ID priority pass.

- SOLIDAllocated Token
- Referral System

Step by step guide

Visit the Solana ID priority pass mint page and connect your wallet
Around $7 worth of SOL is required to mint the Priority Pass. You can get some from Binance
Click "Mint Priority Pass," then click "Mint" and approve the transaction
Verify your web2 accounts, including email, Twitter, Discord, and others
To verify social accounts, install the zkPass TransGate Chrome extension
Click "Verify" for Twitter, Discord, and other social accounts, then select "Request zk proof."
Follow the instructions in the zkPass TransGate extension to complete the verification
Add and verify your email address to receive updates on airdrops and exclusive perks from Solana ID partners


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