Their team has extensive cryptocurrency experience and have created the Unochain vision with the most up to date technology. By making a change at the core in terms of how transactions are handled, with sharding integrated as the solution, Unochain will be a fast, inexpensive, secure choice for any cryptocurrency user to prefer. This will allow blockchain’s usability to expand in a way that does not limit the size of the blockchain in the future and will not cause lagging times. A brilliant solution which is necessary to deal with the problem of time and lagging, without foregoing the proper level of security all cryptocurrency users have come to expect in their preferred blockchain. Unochain will bring blockchain to the next generation and will stand as the solid go-to choice for the foreseeable future.
The volume which we will be able to handle, and the speed we will be able to handle it at, can be applicable across many different industries that require high volume capabilities. Ourconsensus algorithm allows for normal people to access the blockchain and use it for their everyday needs in real time without worrying about more users creating larger lags.