• BlockchainEthereum
  • CMC Rank#2192
  • Total Supply75.000.000
  • Circ. Supply53.014.600
  • Market Cap$4.071.786
  • 24h Volume $3.564.400
$ 0,0014

Founded in the Swiss Crypto Valley in 2017, SMART VALOR was one of the first companies to embrace tokenization and Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Acknowledged by Forbes as one of Europe's 10 Most Exciting Technology SMEs, SMART VALOR today is leading the way with its fully compliant cryptocurrency exchange and marketplace for digital assets. It is supported by leading Venture Capital funds and a global community of VALOR stakeholders. Their journey has begun with establishing a safe and fully compliant crypto-fiat exchange - a foundational layer for our infrastructure. On top of this infrastructure, they are building out a decentralized marketplace for NFTs, derivatives and security tokens.