Prometheus (PRO)
  • BlockchainEthereum
  • Total Supply200.00 million
  • Circ. Supply140.00 million
PRO Price
0.1 USD
0.00000103 BTC
The Prometheus airdrop is unfortunately over.
If you want to receive updates, don't forget to favor the Airdrop.

Prometheus Airdrop

  • Closed

Prometheus is a platform that will enable the integration with the business process and the blockchain, that will help global adoption and implementation of the blockchain technology.

Prometheus airdrops 130 PRO tokens (~$13,00) to their airdrop participants for the following simple tasks. They also offer a referral program where you can earn additional PRO.

130 PROToken
30 PROReferral
If you want to receive the latest airdrops and updates, you can follow us on X, Telegram or Facebook.

sergio zanfardinosergio zanfardino <p>How soon will I get paid?</p>
07 Oct, 2020, 12:54
M3Br0wnM3Br0wn [Admin]Airdrop status has been changed to closed because there are no project updates and no social media activity for quite a while.
We will delist the project if there is no change in the next weeks.
Bangyos82Bangyos82 Apakah airdrop ini masih aktif.?
09 Jun, 2020, 10:55
M3Br0wnM3Br0wn [Admin]Ya, harus tetap aktif.
UiliamUiliam qual carteira devo usar? tipo eu sei que e ETH porém nao sei se a minha carteira aceita tokens,tem alguma dica de qual carteira usar para receber os Tokens?
22 Dec, 2019, 21:53
FrostyzFrostyz [Admin]Você pode usar qualquer carteira ETH, onde você tem a chave privada. Não se esqueça - Por favor, só partilhe a sua chave pública com outras pessoas.
aladino84aladino84 hola .he echo todos los pasaso pero no me han enviado los tokens.cuando se destrebuyen??
18 Nov, 2019, 19:34
RichieRichie [Admin]Tokens should be distributed soon. Please keep us updated if you have not received any within the upcoming two weeks.