MurAll (PAINT)
  • BlockchainEthereum
  • Coingecko Rank#5200
  • Total Supply22.02 billion
  • Circ. Supply11.57 billion
  • Market Cap$259.364
  • 24h Volume $58.923
The MurAll airdrop is unfortunately over.
If you want to receive updates, don't forget to favor the Airdrop.

MurAll Airdrop

  Token listed on Coingecko
  • Closed

MurAll is an on-chain digital collaborative mural/canvas/wall that anyone anywhere can draw on, without restrictions on what you can draw. The entire ethos of the MurAll project is that it fits with the blockchain narrative of a neutral place that doesn’t filter, censor or stop any transaction. A place for true freedom of speech through art.

MurAll airdrop is worth up to 1.048.576 PAINT tokens for eligible NFT artists, and NFT holders can claim 193.537 PAINT tokens.

1.048.580 PAINTToken
- Referral

Step by step guide

Connect your Metamask wallet.
Check our related Blog post for a small introduction.
You are eligible to claim PAINT tokens if:
A) You are a verified blockchain artist address collated from Known Origin / Rarible / SuperRare / Async Art - Snapshot was taken 15th November 2020.
B) You are a trading NFT holder.
- Your NFTs are fully ERC-721 compatible
- You have more incoming than outgoing transactions with said NFTs
- These criteria were fulfilled at the time of taking the snapshot (18th December 2020)
The PAINT airdrop claim contract has a timelock of 365 days from its inception (22nd January 2021), which allows us to reclaim any unclaimed PAINT after 365 days in order for us to redistribute in other ways, so eligible claimants have until 22nd of January 2022 to claim.
More information can be found in the MurAll FAQ section.


If you want to receive the latest airdrops and updates, you can follow us on X, Telegram or Facebook.

hassanxp144hassanxp144 gooooooooooooooooooood
08 Jun, 2021, 08:04
morimatlabmorimatlab gooooooooioid
03 Jun, 2021, 15:27
saeedenferadisaeedenferadi gooooooooooooooooooood
02 Jun, 2021, 21:22