• BlockchainOTHER
  • Total Supply1.000.000.000
  • Circ. SupplyN/A
DEFY Price
0.025 USD
0.00000037 BTC

You can think of Defy Trends as a simplified ‘Bloomberg terminal’ for crypto and NFTs. Defy Trends is a toolkit that aggregates millions of data points into digestible, bite-size indicators that allow you to get a holistic view of the market, all in one place. They bring the pieces of the puzzle together.

What does this mean? They built a tool that makes data-backed investment decisions for crypto and NFTs easy. Defy Trends allows you to spot new investment opportunities, compare coins to one another, deeply understand digital asset concepts, and include crypto into your existing portfolio.

How will Defy Trends do this? They listen to every drop of information - both on-chain and off-chain and package it into actionable, reliable data insights. Their robust educational platform guides its users in their crypto and NFT trading journey.

And why Defy Trends is doing this? Because millions of people are afraid of entering the crypto space simply because they don’t understand it.

Their mission? To empower people in making data-backed investment decisions. At Defy Trends, they are breaking down barriers to entry.

Airdrops by Defy Trends