• BlockchainEthereum
  • CMC Rank#421
  • Total Supply100.000.000
  • Circ. Supply23.249.200
  • Market Cap$101.134.020
  • 24h Volume $15.988.900
$ 0,3682

CyberConnect is a Web3 social network that enables developers to create social applications empowering users to own their digital identity, content, connections, and interactions.

Key features:
- CyberAccount: Simplify onboarding to multi-chain Web3 social experiences using CYBER for gas fees.
- CyberGraph: A censorship-resistant smart contract for recording content and social connections, enabling monetization through tokenization.
- CyberID: An ERC-721 token representing a unique handle for your account.
- W3ST: A non-transferrable NFT indicating a user's status in their community.
- CYBER Governance Token: Holders have voting power and can delegate it to others for protocol improvements.
- Payment for CyberID: Use CYBER for purchasing CyberIDs.
- CyberAccount Gas Token: CYBER is the price meter and means of payment for gas fees in CyberAccount across EVM-compatible chains. More use cases to come from CyberDAO.

Airdrops by CyberConnect