The Artyfact NFT Metaverse airdrop is over and was distributed to the valid participants.
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Artyfact NFT Metaverse Promo

  • Paid out

Artyfact is a metaverse of Web3 with a play-and-earn economy. With Artyfact, you can exhibit, collect, buy, and sell NFTs, create metaworlds, and play NFT games.

Artyfact NFT Metaverse is giving away a total of 1.000.000 ARTY tokens during their ARTYdrop campaign!

- Each of the top 3 referrals will receive 10.000 ARTY (~$2.500)
- Each of the top 5 participants will receive 4.000 ARTY (~$1.000)
- Each of the top 50 participants will receive 1.000 ARTY (~$250)
- Randomly choose 100 other winners from the participants who complete all the tasks and send them 100 ARTY

The participants are not required to complete all tasks in order to win a prize, but each additional task increases their chances.
The giveaway will run until Artyfact reaches 30k followers on Twitter and Telegram.

1.000.000 ARTYAllocated Token

Step by step guide

Visit Artyfact Metaverse's Airdrop Page
Register with your details.
Join Artyfact Metaverse's Telegram Announcement Channel
Follow Artyfact Metaverse's X Page
Join Artyfact Metaverse's Discord Channel
Do different Tasks on their platform and earn entries
Submit your details to the airdrop page.
If you want to receive the latest airdrops and updates, you can follow us on X, Telegram or Facebook.

Mp2000Mp2000 Cool metaverse
24 Feb, 2022, 14:40
Alhaji Umar MohammedAlhaji Umar Mohammed Nice project
21 Jan, 2022, 21:50
khalil.aoukhalil.aou very nice project keep going
20 Jan, 2022, 03:29
hamid.khosrojerdi.25hamid.khosrojerdi.25 Very nice!
15 Jan, 2022, 08:54
LohouesLohoues J'ai fait le Airdrop mais je sais pas comment trouver le contrat d'adresse de artyfact pour ajouter afin de recevoir la récompense s'il vous plaît quelq'un peut il m'aider ?
12 Jan, 2022, 23:35
RichieRichie [Admin]Pour ce faire, contacte directement le projet à l'adresse suivante: [email protected]
Yazbest91Yazbest91 I like this project
12 Jan, 2022, 22:41
KheyappleKheyapple nice projects
12 Jan, 2022, 15:15
sutnu4kaasutnu4kaa I like YouTube videos) Good luck, guys
12 Jan, 2022, 07:58
shakil2357shakil2357 Fresh idea!
12 Jan, 2022, 06:43
zakarizakari very nice metavers
12 Jan, 2022, 00:54
AnastasiaAnastasia Cool metaverse!
11 Jan, 2022, 21:55